First of all,I need to talk about the genre of my favorite music.
I like all of music especially Japanese rock and
punk and pop,of course the music of UK and America..
The greater part of people think the genre you have is too wide.
But this is my style of music,and this comes from my activity of folksong society(we call F-ken).
Then,I introduce one artists.
Do you know UNICORN?
Not legend of europe but Japanese rock band.
They have debuted for 23 years.
This year they re-debut,and they becomes more popular.

Let's start the popular subject.
First, I'll introduce the CD which was released in 1989 "Hattori" (服部).
Their evaluation goes up this Album.
Their represented tunes "Daimeiwaku" (大迷惑),"Hattori" (服部) and"Okashinafutari"(おかしな二人) are in it.

the CD which is released in 2009"Chanbre"(シャンブル)
Their talent is in this album.
If you are interested UNICORN, I lend you these CDs.
Feel free to talk about UNICORN.
I like music too.
返信削除But I don't know UNICORN well.
So I am interested in UNICORN.
And please tell me more your favorite CDs.
I like music.
返信削除But my favorite kind of music is soundtrak.
More to say I like music without the vocal.
Of caurse I sometimes listen music like rock or j-pop.
These days, I want to know about popular music so I am looking forward to seeing your blog like this.